Lions (National Geographic Readers) (2025)

Tabatha Mulkey

40 reviews

November 19, 2017

Summary: This book teaches all about lions. It teaches what the hunt, what food they eat, how they talk, about their cubs, and more. It is

Evaluation: This book does a good job of keeping the kids excited. They also have really good pictures which will keep the kids hooked. They will learn so much from reading this book.

Teaching Idea: I'll use this book to help teach about prey and predator. We will read other books that show this relationship too. Afterwards, they will make a food chain and compare all the animals from the books.


Michelle and Robin

23 reviews

June 15, 2018

Lions is a non-fiction book describing the life of a lion. It gives children simple facts about where a lion lives and what it eats. The book also discusses how a lion raises its cubs. The photographs are beautiful and the facts are simple and easy to read for young children. This book is part of a series including many other animals. It is great for an introduction to non-fiction unit. Other books like this one include Dolphins, Tigers, and Bears which are also part of The National Geographic Readers collection.


Abigail Rothwell

53 reviews

February 9, 2019

I have used these in my class rooms before. this magazine have great facts about lions. Where they hunt, live, prey and so much more. these magazines uses real life pictures as well, so the students can look at real life things. there are many types of magazines about the real world life, and living creatures.


Cara Frazee

100 reviews

April 22, 2019

Grade: Preschool-4

This is such a good book for kids starting to learn about lions. It gives good information and has great real life pictures of lions. The book is set up to help kids learn with definitions and pronunciation of words. It even has a small quiz at the end of the book.

Katalina Harrington

50 reviews


June 8, 2022

Lions are a part of a big cat family, including tigers, leopards, and jaguars. Male tigers have manes, and female lions don't have manes and are smaller. Lions lay in the shade to keep cool. They live in scorching and dry areas. Lions live in Pride, that have about 40 lions in them.



3,893 reviews11 followers

July 30, 2021

Love this series!


883 reviews

November 16, 2023

We love Nat Geo books for their excellent photos, but this one was also an easy and fun read. My 5 year old loves the animal jokes too.

Darius Billings

154 reviews

May 30, 2024

I liked that a snarl means, “Back off!” And there was a baby on that page!

I liked that lions can be heard from five miles away.

And I liked that lions are very, very strong!


4,567 reviews1 follower

February 25, 2020

3 stars - the corny jokes need to go

Madison Gault

25 reviews1 follower


May 3, 2021

Non fiction
Grade: Pre-1
Lexile Level: 410

This book is very beginner but gives great information about lions. This can be a fun and interesting read if there are activities that could go along with it. I think this is a great book for Kindergaten books.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



75 reviews

November 30, 2016

National Geographic put together a very interesting book on Lions. Kids are interested in animals and National Geographic brings raw information, amazing photographs, and fun facts. It's an easy read and offers vocabulary words at the end. This book is perfect for beginner readers.


Cassie McDonald

43 reviews


November 24, 2018

Summary: This book teaches many facts about what lions hunt, what they eat, how they communicate, about their cubs, and more.

Evaluation: I feel that this book would be very interesting for students to read, especially with the interesting pictures that are throughout it.

Teaching Idea: This book could be used in the classroom when talking about predators and prey and the relationships between the two. This book could also be used to talk about the food chain and help the students to make sense of it. The teacher could have the students make a food chain that compares all of the animals that are in the book and other books about animals that the teacher may have previously read.


Kaetlyn Scarpa

26 reviews


March 7, 2019

National Geographic: Lions

By Laura Marsh

1. K-2

2. No awards

3. In this text, we learn about lions. The different types of lions, where they live, what they eat, and other fun facts about them.

4. I love the kids books from national geographic, they make learning about animals and other things more fun for the students. There is activities in the booklets as well with online that you can do with the students.

5. As an activity, I would ask my students questions about the things we learned about lions. Then I would have them make lions masks with paper plates and orange and yellow tissue paper. On the back of the masks I would ask all of the students to write 2 fun facts they learned about lions.

Lions (National Geographic Readers) (2025)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.