Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of May 2023 (2024)

How’s Taurus season treating you so far?

Many have leaned into the energy the astrological bull brings, indulging in the finer things and seeking pleasure in everything they do.

However, others may have fallen victim to the dreaded Mercury Retrograde, which can cause trouble in communication, travel, business and technology.

In early May, we have a Full Moon in Scorpio and Venus in Cancer influencing our love lives and undercutting proceedings with their classic Water sign sentimentalism.

Later on comes a New Moon in Taurus, offering rebirth and renewal for those who need a big change.

Ahead you’ll find your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of May, with three tarot cards drawn and their meaning for you explained.


March 21 to April 20

Tarot cards for Aries for May: King of Coins, Seven of Coins, Justice

Meaning: Changing Course

You are coming to a conclusion about your wealth and work and it’s likely to lead to a long-term change of course. Nothing is going happen overnight, because it will take research, planning and time to execute this, but it will happen.

Justice sees you striving to do the right thing, the hard thing, the best thing for your future in the long run. You want, also, to feel proud and fulfilled by the work you do. You want a sense of reward and personal satisfaction from what you spend your time doing.

The King of Coins sees you embarking on a more rewarding path with more potential to earn more too. This is the start of a new chapter.

The Seven of Coins sees you taking your time to understand the when, how, and why.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

Tarot cards for Taurus for May: King of Cups, Four of Wands, Six of Swords

Meaning: Prepare To Move On

If you want to move onwards and upwards then you can, should, and will. But, Taurus, you do need to accept that this means leaving where you are now behind. You can’t keep it all.

Something has to go if you’re going to gain something else. It sounds obvious but you do need to get your head round this, because you’re a possessive person and you hate losing anything. Don’t see it like that.

The Four of Wands is a promotion or move or change of home, and the Six of Swords is a promise you’re ready for this and it’s the right time.

The King of Cups asks you to be kind and patient with your feelings. Some may seem irrational or unwarranted. It’s okay, we’re irrational creatures at time and our emotions still require attention, even if they’re unwelcome. Come to terms with moving on.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Tarot cards for Gemini for May: Temperance, Ace of Wands, Two of Cups

Meaning: Healthy Relationship

You’re going to do some important and positive work on a close relationship in your life, possibly a romantic one or a very close friendship as shown by the mutually supportive and loving Two of Cups. This is worthwhile.

The Ace of Wands signals the new beginning and hints you’re going to change the things you do together, transform how you spend your time in each other’s company to be more relaxing, rewarding, and maybe healthy.

We all have our little partners in crime that we indulge in ‘bad behaviour’ with. Temperance reveals you’ve both taken things to a extreme and perhaps felt off balance or like you’re encouraging each other to be naughty!

Bring it back to the centre, ground yourselves, do something different, spend time having fun but in a positive way. You will both feel a lot better and the relationship will flourish.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

Tarot cards for Cancer for May: Queen of Cups, Seven of Cups, Three of Cups

Meaning: Have A Beautiful May

A trio of emotional and heartfelt Cups cards shows your relationships and sources of pleasure are under the spotlight this May. The Three of Cups is an invitation to party, celebrate and revel. Have fun. Enjoy your life. Be social. Get together with those you love and like and have a blast!

The Seven of Cups asks you to visualise your ideal vision of love, your dream lover, your perfect relationship… and manifest it! Be the change you wish to see. Pray for a wish come true. Act like you’re already living your vision. Good things will unfold.

And the Queen of Cups asks you to take your self care seriously. Make time for deep rest, eat well, drink lots, move around, dance, listen to music, read uplifting content, talk to others and be honest, take on a new challenge, take pride in your appearance, be kind to family, put fresh flowers on your window sill! Treat yourself well.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

Tarot cards for Leo for May: Four of Cups, Three of Swords, King of Swords

Meaning: You See The Truth

It’s possible you’ve gotten a little carried away with something (or someone) recently, gone all in, thought ‘this is it’… only to find it wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

The grass is not always greener, Leo, as we all discover the hard way. The Four of Cups shows you feeling a little let down, a little dismayed, and put off by what you find out here. The Three of Swords sees you maybe even receiving some harsh treatment or being lied to. None of this is going to fly, is it? You don’t take stuff like this lying down.

The King of Swords asks you to be objective, dispassionate, and logical here. Look at the situation factually, break it down, accept your own wrongdoings, and then diagnose the root cause, take a life lesson… and move on. Don’t fight, bicker, accuse, or add fuel to it. Simply write it off and get back to something more fabulous.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

Tarot cards for Virgo for May: Six of Cups, The Fool, Seven of Swords

Meaning: Second Chances

You’re welcoming something or someone back into your life from the past, a second chance if you will. You are often happy to forgive and forget, you don’t like conflict.

But, the Seven of Swords reminds you that you did no wrong here. Don’t feel you have to make excuses or bow to this person or situation. Don’t do that. Set a more balanced and robust tone this time around, stick up for yourself.

The Six of Cups and The Fool combine to reveal this is a genuine fresh start, this has potential for the future but you’ve got to set out as you mean to go on. Don’t lay a foundation of you being the done to, this time around, my friend, you are the doer!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

Tarot cards for Libra for May: Nine of Coins, The Emperor, Nine of Swords

Meaning: Address Worries

The best response to worry is action. You just feel better straight away when you start tackling your fears in a pragmatic and practical manner. Research options, weigh them up, make changes, ask questions, engage in what’s unsettling you and find answers and ideas.

The Nine of Swords sees you bottling up your worries and them becoming heavy and draining, but The Emperor sees you taking charge and control. You realise you can’t carry on overthinking these things. You realise that it’s time to shake down the list of fears and take them apart one by one. Power to you, Libra!

The Nine of Coins promises that this is a turning point, a change in the pathway. For the better! You will lay foundations, make changes, plant seeds, and set in motion new things now that will serve you well for years to come.

See your anxiety as a guide, it’s trying to nudge you towards the things that need attention. Follow its lead. Take action.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

Tarot cards for Scorpio for May: Five of Swords, The Lovers, Ace of Swords

Meaning: A Worthy Battle

You’re no stranger to scrapping. You’re tough, outspoken when others might pipe down, resilient, and self confident. You stick up for others, you back yourself, you don’t take sh**.

The Five and Ace of Swords sees you scrapping this May, and for all of the right reasons. You are on the right side of history here! You are sticking up for yourself, you are protecting something, you are doing what you think is right.

Scorpio, The Lovers asks you to decide, however, what you really want out of this. What does victory look like? What does a truce look like? What can you accept and not?

Know your boundaries and escape routes and wriggle room so that you are in control and can take a handy exit as and when it arises. Scrapping shouldn’t last for too long as it just causes more damage. Fight well.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

Tarot cards for Sagittarius for May: Page of Coins, Queen of Wands, Queen of Coins

Meaning: People Power

People. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, right? A trio of Court cards sees you being delighted and exasperated by your fellow humans this May. Take it all in your stride. Remember your circle of influence, Sagittarius, and that you can’t control what others say, do, or believe. It’s on them.

The Page and Queen of Coins suggests a parent/child or apprentice/boss dynamic is under the spotlight. The dynamics are changing and you’re all trying to find a new footing, stay grounded, and move things forward. As circ*mstances change, so do our expectations and needs. Communicate and express them. Make sure everyone knows what everyone wants and expects.

The Queen of Wands sees a friend or partner being adventurous and helping you enjoy life. Follow their lead, let them entertain you and guide you towards new pleasures and activities.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

Tarot cards for Capricorn for May: King of Wands, Three of Wands, Seven of Wands

Meaning: New Energy

A trio of Wands cards bring a rush of fresh, revitalising and enlivening energy into your world, say help and welcome to new news!

The Seven of Wands has you fighting your corner around something you truly believe in and want to protect. The good news is that you will win through here, and impress people along the way. So, fight hard… but fair.

The Three of Wands heralds new and surprising opportunities emerging from all kinds of weird and wonderful angles. Expect the unexpected!

And, finally, the King of Wands sees you bringing your own new news into the picture. You want to start new classes, workshops, travel ambitions, lifestyle changes, creative projects and personal development work. You feel confident and positive and like you’re ready to shake it all a bit. Have fun, Cap.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

Tarot cards for Aquarius for May: The World, Page of Swords, Judgment

Meaning: Wake-up Call

A powerful trio of cards which point to you experiencing a wake-up call that leads to a whole new era in your life, one marked by you being more authentic and in tune with who you are and what you’re good at.

Judgment and The World are the major arcana cards driving this epiphany and life change. It’s irrefutable and once you see the truth of your skill set and strengths, you find it hard to fake carrying on serving a role that doesn’t play to them.

You decide you want to pursue your passion, put your talents front and centre, and strike out to make this happen! It might mean ending something or even moving location.

The Page of Swords reveals that, if you’re honest, this has been brewing for a long time and you’ve felt increasingly ambivalent about your role or career trajectory or creative pursuits. There’s definitely something you can do about this and it starts this May. You are ready to manifest what it is you should be doing with your life, you are entering into the era of your true purpose.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

Tarot cards for Pisces for May: The Hanged Man, The Star, The Empress

Meaning: A Beautiful May

Three major arcana cards point to a really game-changing month ahead where outside, cosmic forces are playing a part in bringing new news and energy into your life.

The Hanged Man shows you’ve felt a little thwarted recently, a bit put off, a tad frustrated. Fear not because a new idea will emerge which unlocks the issue and allows you to progress. Think out the box, be inventive, look at things from a new angle.

The Star asks you to aim high this May. The higher you aim the better the outcome as cosmic lucky energy will be drawn towards your positive moves and attitude. You can go further faster than you think!

The Empress shows your love and family life blossoming too. This card can predict fertility and pregnancy (or a new pet), as well as sexual chemistry, passion, creativity, and general warm and fuzzy vibes in and around the home. You are enjoying your blessings, Pisces.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiringforecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure,through Etsyorjoin her new Tarot Cluband get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

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Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of May 2023 (6)

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Your star sign’s tarot horoscope for the month of May 2023 (2024)


What is a tarot horoscope? ›

Tarot card reading unveils life insights through astrological symbols. Major Arcana depict significant events, while Minor Arcana address daily concerns. Each card represents zodiac signs, planets, and energies, offering guidance on love, career, and personal growth.

What is the Taurus horoscope 2023 tarot? ›

Taurus Career Tarot Horoscope 2023

Hey Taurus, the year 2023 is not quite challenging, but it is not so favourable too. You may feel professional challenges, and the whole process might be slow and may take more time. The workload might be more at your workplace, due to which you might be mentally disturbed.

What is the prediction for May 2023 for Gemini? ›

The sun in gentle and serene Taurus can be a peaceful time of year for you, Gemini, so long as you don't overbook your schedule. This period is all about rest, relaxation, and carving out room in your routine to catch up on quality time alone.

What Tarot card am I Taurus? ›

Taurus (April 20–May 20): The Hierophant

The Hierophant tarot card embodies spiritual leadership, teaching, rebellion and mentorship. (Fitting, considering hierophant is the ancient Greek word for a high priest.)

Which Tarot card means luck? ›

10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE—Destiny, fortune, success, elevation, luck, felicity. Reversed: Increase, abundance, superfluity. The Wheel Of Fortune card, like other cards of the Major Arcana, varies widely in depiction between tarot decks.

What zodiac signs are connected to the tarot cards? ›

  • How to use tarot for personal growth based on your zodiac sign.
  • Aries: The Emperor. The Emperor achieves his magnificent goals with grounded action, trusts himself and has full faith in the timing of his life. ...
  • Taurus: The Hierophant. ...
  • Gemini: The Lovers. ...
  • Cancer: The Chariot. ...
  • Leo: Strength. ...
  • Virgo: The Hermit. ...
  • Libra: Justice.
Jan 10, 2024

Which month is lucky for Taurus in 2023? ›

Taurus – 20th April to 20th May

The month has its arms wide open for the Taurus. With planetary placements playing a key role, it is time to seize opportunities in love, work and wealth creation.

How is May 2023 for Taurus? ›

New opportunities may arise, too. The month opens with some intense realizations about power, control, and your career or life in the public eye, thanks to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, which begins on May 1. You may notice a power play between people at work, or have an intriguing discussion with a boss.

Which year is lucky for Taurus? ›

Taurus Yearly Horoscope Predictions 2024: Venus will bless you with success and prosperity in the beginning of this year. If you are in business, Mars will make you feel a sudden surge of energy and may also have many ideas to expand your business.

Is May good for Gemini? ›

May is a promising month for Gemini, marked by personal and professional growth. The stars favor bold moves, encouraging Geminis to step out of their comfort zones.

Is Gemini lucky in money 2023? ›

The Gemini finance horoscope 2023 says that the year is about gains and makings in the long run with lots of great opportunities and chances to accumulate money in your bag. Certainly, Saturn might block your way with its delay-causing nature, especially around the first quarter of the year.

What month will Gemini find love in 2023? ›

Single Gemini love horoscope 2023 indicates that the months of March and April are the best months for singles who are looking for partners.

What card is Taurus in tarot? ›

The fixed earth sign of Taurus is associated with The Hierophant card. This card depicts an individual holding religious authority and symbolizes the initiation into sacred knowledge. The Hierophant sits between two temple columns, representing the balance between the concrete and the esoteric.

What is a true Taurus? ›

Tauruses have a regal quality about them. They are graceful and diligent laborers. They can be stubborn, bull-headed, and set in their ways, but they are also great listeners and very dependable. Tauruses can absolutely go on forever.

What spirit zodiac is Taurus? ›

Taurus, the steadfast and reliable second sign of the zodiac, finds its perfect representation in the bull. Just like this powerful creature, Taurus individuals are known for their strength, patience, and unwavering determination.

What is tarot used for? ›

In the 20th and 21st centuries, tarot has been used as a form of creative reflection, meditation, therapeutic practice, or spiritual exploration.

What does the Bible say about tarot cards? ›

The Bible does not mention tarot cards specifically, but God's Word does speak of the intents and actions which would include the use of such evil devices.

What does Tarot show? ›

People think it's about predicting the future, but it isn't. It's about the present, and it can be very empowering . . . tarot allows you to consider a problem, give a voice to it, work it through and see where the blocks might be. It can give voice to problems or fears.

Is tarot reading real? ›

In fact, historians have described western views of the Tarot pack as "the subject of the most successful propaganda campaign ever launched... An entire false history and false interpretation of the Tarot pack was concocted by the occultists; and it is all but universally believed".


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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.